
Last updated: 01/2022

The protection of your personal data is very important to us at imbus. We process personal data which are collected when you use/register to/visit our websites in compliance with the applicable data protection statutes. Your data will neither be published by us nor be given to an unauthorized third party. In the following, we explain what data we collect and how the data are used.

1. Object

This Data Protection Policy is to inform you regarding the personal data (hereinafter referred to as ‘data’) that is collected during your visit to our site and your use of our online services offered on our site and regarding the way we process or use the data.

2. Controller / Service Provider

The controller and provider of this website is

imbus AG, Kleinseebacher Str. 9, 91096 Möhrendorf, Germany.

If you have any questions concerning this Data Protection Policy or the use or storage of your data by the provider of the website, please contact:

Questions relating to the Data Protection Policy imbus AG, Marketing,
Hauptstraße 8a, 91096 Möhrendorf,
Data Protection Officer
Herr Michael Haimerl, imbus AG, Datenschutzbeauftragter,
Hauptstraße 8a, 91096 Möhrendorf,

3. Collection and Use of your Data

The scope and the way we collect and use your data will depend on whether you visit our website for the purpose of finding information only, whether you register as a member in the download section of imbus or use additional services provided by us:

a) To find information

When you use our website to find information, you will generally not be required to provide personal data (for instance your name or postal address).

However, we use the data your web browser automatically sends to our web server: date and time of access to a webpage, your browser type, your browser’s settings, your operating system, the page you last visited, the data volume transferred and the access status (file transferred, file not found etc.) as well as your IP address.

The purpose of this is to make it possible to use the web pages accessed by you, and for statistical purposes with the aim to improve our site.

Your IP address will also be stored when you visit our site. It will only be used to identify you via your provider if illegal content is submitted using your user name or if we need to defend ourselves against third-party claims due to your contributions. Otherwise, an IP address will be an anonymous sequence of numbers to us which will be deleted after the expiry of 7 days.

b) Using services for which you need to register

For using the following services, you will be required to register as a ‘participant’. During your registration as a ‘participant’, you will be asked to provide the following data:


Data to be provided (mandatory fields on the form)



Download section

Email and password

Registration for an event/training course

First name, last name, company, address (street, postcode, city/town, country), email

Request for a quotation
for instance for the Mobile Testing Starter Package

Form of address, first name, last name, company, address (street, postcode, city/town, country), telephone, email.

Submission of contribution
(Call for Papers)

Form of address, first name, last name, company, address (street, postcode, city/town, country) telephone, email,
Details on your contribution (title, type, language, abstract, photo, short bio, previous contributions)

The above data is marked as mandatory fields on the respective form. Depending on the offer/service or form you may provide further details on a voluntary basis.

Double opt-in: Your registration will become valid only upon your confirmation of your registration by clicking on a link in a confirmation email sent to you for this purpose (‘double opt-in’). We use this procedure to ensure that the person registering is also the holder of the email address provided.

The data provided by you will be sent to and stored on our CRM system. We do this to make sure that we can provide the service for which you have registered, that we can make bookings and prepare invoices in the case of services for which a fee is payable (for instance, registration for a training course for which a fee is payable) and that we can offer support and information on the content and organisation of such services.

Authentication and login to your account is made via your email address and your password.
We use your first name, last name and email address to personalise any information we send you (e.g. newsletter) that you requested or have subscribed to. We use your company name and address to continuously improve and adapt the information we offer with regard to geographic or industry specific requests.

Every time you login as a registered user (‘participant’), access data will be stored on the web server log file(s) (server log). The records stored contain the following data: date and time of access to a webpage, your browser type, your browser’s settings, your operating system, the page you last visited, the data volume transferred and the access status (file transferred, file not found etc.), your IP address.
This data will be deleted after the expiry of 7 days. This data will not be transferred to third parties.

Your IP address will also be stored when you visit our site. It will only be used to identify you via your provider if illegal content is submitted using your user name or if we need to defend ourselves against third-party claims due to your contributions. Otherwise, an IP address will be an anonymous sequence of numbers to us.

c) Legal bases

  •  Data processing for employment purposes (§26 BDSG-2018)
  •  Implementation of pre-contractual measures (Art. 6 para. 1b DSGVO)
  •  Consent on your part (Art. 6 para. 1a DSGVO)
  •  If necessary, we process your data beyond the conclusion of the application process to protect our legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1f DSGVO); this interest consists in asserting or defending claims.

4. Download of Informational Materials in the Download Section

After your registration as a ‘participant’ of the download section, you will be able to download informational materials provided by imbus AG in the download section. Your download history (download date and file name) will be recorded and transferred to our CRM system. We do this to improve the information we offer taking into account which information participants request, and to make sure that we can give you targeted and individual advice upon any future requests on the respective issues.

5. Purchase order/ Academy

When you order a course or information material at our websites, we only use the stated data (name, address) for the purpose of executing the respective order only.

5.1. Data transfer for partner trainings
When you order a partner training the data, which are necessary for the conclusion of contract and the further contract settlement, will be forwarded to the training provider before the course, including name, address, telephone number, email and if applicable company name. You can find a list of our partners here (link to list). The training attendees’ personal data will also be forwarded to self-employed external trainers if it is necessary for the contract processing (name, address, telephone number, email and if applicable company name).

5.2. Data transfer for training attendees
Within the certification scheme we only use registered examination centres (examination providers licensed by the German testing Board) for the exam execution.

We forward the data which are necessary for the exam registration (name, if applicable company) and the delivery of the certificate to the examinees to the examination provider.

6. Applikation

For your application to imbus AG we record required information as a part of the process.
The following application data is required: First name, last name, email, earliest starting date, salary expectation, and attachments: cover letter, resume, credentials.

The data provided by you will be only used to process your application. In case you sign a contract with imbus AG the provided personal data will processed or used for employment purposes where this is necessary.

If the your personal data is no longer necessary to fulfilling the purpose for which it is stored for, it will be delated immediately. But we also may place your profile in our pool of applicants after this period if you sign a declaration of consent.
You have the right anytime to withdraw your application. In that case your provided personal data will be deleted completely from our pool of applicants. You also have the right to ask us to rectify inaccurate or incomplete data.

7. Registration for free events

Registration as a participant of a free events You have the opportunity to register as a paricitpant for our free events (such as „Trend in Testing“). The following Information are required to process your registration:

Required Information: Salutation, first name, last name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and company

Optional Information: Title, division, position, field

These data - salutation, first name, last name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and company - are marked accordingly as mandatory fields in the respective form. In addition, the optional fields can be filled in voluntarily.

Your registration will become valid only upon your confirmation of your registration by clicking on a link in a confirmation email sent to you for this purpose (‘double opt-in’). We use this procedure to ensure that the person registering is also the holder of the email address provided.

We also use the data provided by you (email) to send you materials about the event you choose (such as a programme for the event and a map to find the location).

The data provided by you will be sent to and stored on our CRM system. We do this to make sure that we can provide the service for which you have registered and that we can offer support and information on the content and organisation of such services.

As a as a participant of a free event you are entitled to withdrawal the use of your personal data. In this case send your declaration to the following address: datenschutz(at) In the event of effective withdrawal, any services of sending you information will be stopped and in case your personal data isn`t required for other purposes it will be immediately deleted.

8. Newsletter

To register for our newsletter you need to tell us your e-mail address which should receive the newsletter. All further information (such as name, address etc.) are optional and will only be used when you have provided your express consent.
For the newsletter registration we use the double opt-in procedure. Your registration becomes effective only when you confirm your registration via the link in the confirmation email which we send you for this purpose. This will ensure that you are the user. This confirmation must be made in a timely manner. Otherwise, your registration and email address will be deleted from our database. The registration and the confirmation are recorded.
You can cancel the newsletter at any time, when you unsubscribe here.


This website uses the services of CleverReach for sending newsletters. The provider is CleverReach GmbH & Co. KG, CRASH Building, Schafjückenweg 2, 26180 Rastede in Germany.

Cleverreach is a service with which, among other things, the dispatch of newsletters can be organized and analyzed. If you enter data for the purpose of receiving newsletters (e.g. e-mail address), this data is stored on CleverReach's servers in Germany and deleted again within one month.

The data processing is based on your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO). You can revoke this consent at any time by unsubscribing from the newsletter. The legality of the data processing operations already carried out remains unaffected by the revocation.

The data you have provided to us for the purpose of receiving the newsletter will be stored by us or the newsletter service provider until you unsubscribe from the newsletter and will be deleted from the newsletter distribution list after you unsubscribe from the newsletter. Data that has been stored by us for other purposes remains unaffected by this.

For more details, please refer to the data protection provisions of CleverReach at:

9. Transfer to third parties

Data will only be passed on to third parties in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations. Recipients of personal data can be:

  • Organizational units of our group of companies, if
    • You have applied for a specific job in this organizational unit, or
    • You have not applied for a specific job and there are vacant jobs in this organizational unit that match your application / qualification.
  • personnel mediator, as far as your application reached us via this service provider and you have agreed to the transmission of your data to the service provider

Your data may be passed on to service providers who work for us as contract processors:

  • Support and maintenance in the context of applicant management
  • Support or maintenance of EDP or IT applications data destruction

   These service providers are contractually bound and obliged to treat your data confidentially in accordance with Art. 28 Para. 3 S. 2 lit. b, 29, 32 Para. 4 DSGVO.
In addition, your data will be passed on to the following third parties, if there is an obligation to do so:

  •  Authorities
  •  Tax consultant, business auditor, wage tax auditor or tax auditor

10. Data deletion and storage period

We process and store your personal data

  • as long as this is necessary for the application process,
  • beyond the duration of the application process if necessary (6 months),
  • if you have agreed to a longer storage period, e.g. for future job advertisements (2 years), or
  • you have not revoke any consent.

There are exceptions,

  • as far as legal storage obligations are to be fulfilled, e.g. according to the German Commercial Code (HGB) or the German Tax Code (AO). The periods for storage or documentation specified there are usually six to ten years;
  • for the preservation of evidence within the framework of the statutory statute of limitations. According to §§ 195 ff of the German Civil Code (BGB), these limitation periods can be up to 30 years, whereby the regular limitation period is 3 years.

11. Use of Cookies

We use cookies on our website. Cookies are small text files that are sent to your browser by our web server when you visit our site and that are stored by your browser on your computer for future access.

You can determine whether cookies can be set and retrieved by the settings on the web (item 11.2.) or in your browser. You can completely deactivate the storage of cookies in your browser, restrict it to certain websites or configure your browser so that it automatically notifies you as soon as a cookie is to be set and asks you for feedback. Settings that you have made on the web are automatically applied to all other sessions, except when deleting from the cookie cache in your browser.  For the full range of functions of our website, however, it is necessary for technical reasons to allow the aforementioned session cookies.

11.2 Cookies: Categories and setting options

We want to give you the opportunity to make an informed decision for or against the use of cookies, which are not absolutely necessary for the technical functions of the website. However, the use of the website remains in full.

We distinguish between cookies that are absolutely necessary for the technical functions of the website and optional cookies.

In order to enable you to determine your desired data protection settings for visiting our website as individually as possible, we give you the opportunity below to set your preferences with regard to the categories necessity, statistics and marketing for you.

1. category "Necessary"
These cookies are essential for the proper technical functioning. An example of this is the cookie that stores the session ID when you log in to the frontend and only enables you to surf in the user area. This type of cookie also enables us to recognise whether you wish to remain logged in to your profile in order to make our services available to you more quickly on your next visit. Technically necessary cookies cannot be disabled via the confirmation dialog. If you prevent the storage of technically necessary cookies via the browser, you will not be able to use the service we offer.

2. category "Statistics"
In order to further improve our offer and our website, we collect anonymous data for statistics and analysis. With the help of these cookies we can, for example, determine the number of visitors and the effect of certain pages of our website and optimise our content. After agreeing to this category, your data will be collected by the analysis tool Matomo. Matomo is a tool that only runs on our server, i.e. the data is not passed on to third parties. More specific details are given in point 18 of this privacy policy.

3. category "Marketing"
imbus AG uses Google Adwords from Google Inc. ("Google").

If you don't want Google's feature, you cannot select the "Marketing" category and save your settings. You can also deactivate it by changing the settings at Further information about Google Adwords and the Google privacy policy can be found at  More detailed information is provided in point 12 of this privacy policy.

12. Google AdWords and Google Remarketing

We use Google AdWords and Google Remarketing functions ( to display online ads on the web. For this purpose, our site contains code snippets provided by Google to record whether and when an online ad leads to a visit to our website (conversion tracking). The information on the use of this website (including users’ IP addresses) and on the display of ads created by these code snippets is transferred to and stored on a Google server in the US. This information may be transferred by Google to contract partners of Google. Google, however, will not associate your IP address with any other data about you.

If users do not wish cookies to be installed, they can adjust their browser settings accordingly; please note, however, that you may then be unable to enjoy the full range of functions offered by this website. By selecting the "Marketing" category of the cookie settings on this website, users agree to the processing of the data collected about them by Google in the manner and for the purpose described above.

13. Social Media

The social media links Xing (, linkedin (, facebook (, Google+ (, Kununu ( on our website are not integrated via social media plugins. Consequently, no direct connection to social media providers will be established when you visit our site. The integrated images contain only a HTTP link that will redirect you to imbus’ page on the respective social media platform when you click on it. What will also be transmitted to the respective platform is that you are being redirected to the respective page of imbus AG on the individual social media platform. If you are a member of one of the above social media services and logged in to your user account, the social media service may associate your visit to our site and/or our social media page with your personal user account. If you want to prevent this, log off your account before you use any of the above social media links. For further information on how social media services collect and use such data, on your rights and your options to protect your privacy, please read the privacy notes of the respective social media service.

14. Embedded Videos

On some of our pages, links to video clips have been embedded that are stored on YouTube servers ( When you click on the thumbnail image (to play a video), data will be transmitted to YouTube, and during such transmission of data, YouTube will assign you a visitor ID.

15. Links

Where you use external links offered on our web site, this Data Protection Policy will not cover such links. Whether other service providers comply with the regulations on data protection and security is beyond our control. Therefore, please refer to the data protection policies provided on the websites of the other service providers.

16. Withdrawal, Changes, Corrections and Updates

As a user of our web-site you are entitled, upon request, to receive information, free of charge, about the personal data collected about you. Provided that there is not statutory obligation to retain such data, you are also entitled to demand that incorrect data be corrected and/or that your personal data be blocked and deleted.

Please direct any questions of this nature to:


17. Transfer to Third Countries

We do not transfer data to third countries. However, our site has been created and is maintained, among others, by our partner imbus Peja (Fehmi Agani No. 16, 30000 Peja, KOSOVO). We have concluded a standard form data protection contract with imbus Peja to ensure the protection of data as data might be read during maintenance operations.

18. Use of Analytic and Survey Tools

a.) We use the web analytics software Matomo (Piwik) offered by InnoCraft Ltd., 150 Willis St, 6011 Wellington, New Zealand ( The software and the data collected by the software are stored only on imbus AG’s web server, as described in this Data Protection Policy. We do not transfer the data to third parties.

Matomo (Piwik) uses cookies, text files, that are stored on your computer and that make it possible to analyse how you are using the web-site. We use the information created by the cookie to analyse how users are using the web-site. You may prevent the storage of cookies by adjusting your browser settings accordingly; please note, however, that you may then be unable to enjoy the full range of functions offered by this web-site.

b.)  We use the survey tool LimeSurvey, from the company LimeSurvey GmbH, Papenreye 6322453 Hamburg / Germany ( The surveys are carried out anonymously, therefore no data collection takes place in the sense of the DSGVO. In the case of a process change, a legally compliant data collection will take place according to

19. Use of Chat function

Personal data that you have provided to us through our contact request (live chat function) is processed and maintained by us with the help of a customer relationship management system (CRM system).

For this purpose, we use the services of ZOHO CORPORATION B. V. (Hoogoorddreef 15, 1101 BA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Zoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd (Estancia IT Park, Plot No. 140 & 151, GST Road, Vallancherry Village, Chengalpattu Taluk, Kanchipuram District 603 202, India) is involved in providing Zoho.

Please note that while India, as a third country, does not have an adequate level of data protection and has not received an adequacy decision from the EU Commission, Zoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd has provided sufficient guarantees to ensure an adequate level of data protection. Specifically, we have concluded the contract for commissioned processing with ZOHO CORPORATION B. V. and Zoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd on the basis of the EU standard contractual clauses for commissioned processing in third countries. For details on Zoho's privacy policy and settings to protect your personal data, please refer to Zoho's privacy notice:

The relevant legal basis for the processing of personal data is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. a) DSGVO.  Without active consent, no data collection and transfer ZOHO SalesIQ Consent is only valid for the specified purposes. The collected data cannot be used or stored for any other purpose than the one listed. You can revoke any consent you have already given at any time.
Point 20 only comes into consideration if the GDPR is relevant. This is the case if the conditions of the territorial scope of Art. 3 (2) of the GDPR are fulfilled.
