Specification Methods

From the simplest test description, with the aid of a formattable test field, up to reusable text modules and the interaction method, the TestBench provides every test designer with the right specification method. At any time, it is possible to switch methods or to combine various methods with each other.

You can simply make a start and develop your skills with the TestBench.

1. The Prose Description

The test description can be formatted in a text field in an easily understandable way. An important point to mention is the inclusion of screenshots so that the test description can be designed in a way that is as straightforward as possible for the tester.

2. The Use of Text Modules

Tests can also be created as a sequence of textually described test steps – in a similar way to Excel. Test designers can get down to work extremely quickly with this kind of description, which is, to a certain extent, very formal.

3. The Deployment of Reusable Text Modules (Interactions)

With reusable text modules (interactions), which are recorded and administered centrally in a library, you accelerate the test specification and optimize the maintenance of tests at the same time. In this case, every interaction represents a test step. Changes to interactions have an immediate effect on all tests in which they are used.

4. Parameterisable Interactions

Interactions are parameterisable, which means they can use different test data for each deployment. This facilitates the specification of data-driven tests. The interactions are linked to test data that is also recorded and administered centrally in a library. Central data storage is a huge advantage of the TestBench, making test specifications and their maintenance easier. The combination of reusable test steps with test data is described in the TestBench as the interaction method.

5. Various Abstraction Levels of the Test Description

In order to facilitate the maximum possible modularisation, and thus reusability, of test elements, every interaction can be put together from other interactions. In the same way, data types can be structured, in other words they can be assembled from other data types. This means that several abstraction levels of the test description are established. As a result, the business process can be described in an extremely simple way at the highest level, and then far more precisely at the corresponding lower levels.

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